Monday 14 January 2013


There are two churches of Latchingdon, St Michael, which is redundant and now a private residence, and Christ Church which seems to be teetering on the edge of redundancy (although that might be judging a parish by its cover) and which did not imbue me with a desire to gain access - actually I wanted to get out of the area ASAP.

ST MICHAEL. Just the nave and a S porch. In the N wall a four-light brick Window of 1618, still with the lights ending in four-centred arches. At the W end a four-post structure for a belfry which has disappeared.

Christ Church, 1857 by St Aubyn (GR).

St Michael (2)
St Michael
Christ Church (2)
Christ Church
Another one Mee missed.

Simon K -

Locked, no keyholder. Latchingdon is the largest and least attractive place on the western part of the peninsula, an ugly mile or so of kebab shops, off-licences, petrol stations. The church is from the 1860s by JP St Aubyn, but is big and characterless, and apparently of little interest. It is always locked - I had actually tried the door once before on my way to Bradwell last summer. Not really sure why I bothered this time. However, photographing it meant I could count it as a visited church.

The next church was the real goal of my journey. Knowing how horrible Latchingdon was I was a bit uncertain about the setting of the next, but I needn't have worried.


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